Physical Therapy For Running Injuries

How To Stop Chronic And Disruptive Running Pain WITHOUT Injections, WITHOUT Taking Painkillers And WITHOUT Having To Wear A Support Or Brace…

  • Do you worry about pain that won’t go away no matter what you do when you run?
  • Are you upset that stretching and taking medicine haven’t helped?
  • Do you have to slow down or maybe even stop running?
  • Still looking for a long-term fix so you can go on your favorite runs again?

If your answer is “yes” to any of the following questions, you are in the right place!

Many people suffer unnecessarily with running pain because they’re told…

The Truth Is...

At Active Physical Therapy, We Help Active Adults And Athletes Get Back To Workouts And Sports They Enjoy Without Surgery, Stopping Activities They Love, Or Relying On Pain Medicine.

If you’re having pain when you run, it can be hard to figure out what to do. You’ve probably heard a lot of options, like…

It’s hard to make a choice when there are so many options… If you don’t make the right choice, what will happen?

Most people can’t figure out what to do next because they can’t decide. They don’t do anything for days, weeks, months, or even years!

When It Comes To Solving Something Serious Like A Running Injury…

When it comes to fixing a serious problem, like a running injury…

You must choose the right health care provider. If you don’t, you could end up having dangerous surgery that you didn’t need or you could become addicted to painkillers and have to take them for the rest of your life.

Getting the “least invasive” and most natural treatment is VERY IMPORTANT if you want to stop feeling pain and keep it from coming back.

To do that, you need a provider who isn’t just willing to treat the pain but also wants to find out WHY the pain started in the first place. Then you will have a PERMANENT answer to your problem.

At Active Physical Therapy, we've made a 3-step plan to get rid of your pain and make sure it doesn't come back.


Our healthcare system is frustrating. You wait weeks or even months for an appointment, but then you only get to talk to the doctors for 10 minutes before they have to rush off to the next patient. You’re left sitting there wondering, “What just happened?”

This is how even most physical therapy clinics work. They aren’t focused, they move quickly, and your therapist doesn’t have time to touch you where it hurts.

So, the first thing we do is listen to your story.

We know this because we have worked with a lot of people who have running pain. Everyone has a different body, a different past, and different kinds of pain.

So, the first thing we’ll do is talk to you and give you time to tell your story. So, not only do we know what is going on with your body, but also how it is affecting your life.


Many people have a diagnosis, which is a medical term for what’s wrong with their body. Their doctor might have given it to them, tests might have shown the problem, or you might have found it online.

You could have been told that your only choices were to rest, take painkillers, or start to think about surgery.

Sometimes, these things help for a little while, but they don’t fix what caused the problem in the first place.

Different things hurt people when they run. No one has the same problem as someone else because of the same thing.

At Active Physical Therapy, our goal is to find the root cause of your pain so that it not only goes away, but stays away.

We know you might still be unsure or skeptical about whether or not physical therapy is right for you. So, we came up with our Discovery Visit.

Our Discovery Visits are for people who are skeptical, unsure, or who have been disappointed in the past. During the Discovery Visit, you’ll find out what’s wrong, how long it will take to fix it, and have peace of mind that your problem can be fixed naturally!


Here is where the big change happens. We make a plan just for you that lets you…

…Start running again without worrying about the pain coming back.
…Be able to get back to the routes you like.
…Be able to go that extra mile on trails.

Get back to the way you loved to run before you hurt yourself.

Our best clients are those who are ready to work hard and get back to living an active life. (Even if they feel like they’re stuck now!)

Before you decide to come in, do you want to know more about our hours and prices?

You don’t have to give up your love of running because of things that can be fixed.

Dr. Michael Hansen, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist at Active Physical Therapy

What Other People Just Like You Are Saying About Active Physical Therapy In Greenville, South Carolina

- Shaundra P.


“Michael is the best! I have worked with Michael for over a year and the progress and growth shows inside and outside the gym. His knowledge and understanding of CrossFit performance allows him to connect and understand challenges and difficulties that we have and he works with us so we can keep going! 1000% recommend him for any PT need.”

- Lindsay S.


“My experience with Michael has fully exceeded my expectations. I originally reached out for shoulder pain and have since worked on knee pain as well. I went from minimal movement without pain to being able to do pushups again. There is a huge benefit and advantage in having a professional explain concepts, movements, and ensure the correct muscle groups are being activated.”

- Luke D.


“Michael helped me come back from double heel “fracture” (they were pulverized). His attention to detail and amazing hands-on care for my feet helped me get the flexibility and comfort and confidence I needed each session to make progress, start walking(!) and more. Now I understand what healthy walking looks like for me and my feet, and I am equipped to keep pushing for 100% recovery. We were doing (safe) box jumps last week, I didn’t expect to be able to do that!”